
What Is a Girdle?

What Is a Girdle?

  • Sunday, 27 June 2021
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What Is a Girdle?

A girdle is a type-fitting inner belt that envelopes the lower body, extending from just below the hips to the knees and worn to either fit or to form a waistline.girdles for men It can also be worn to support or for aesthetic reasons.girdles for men girdles for men In medical or sporting therapy, a girdle can also be used as a compression garment for patients with certain kinds of joint injuries.girdles for men girdles for men The word "girdle" comes from the Latin girdum, meaning belt. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, girdles were often made of heavy leather, though today they are usually of lighter cloth material.

During the time of the Renaissance, the Italians had the longest lasting and the best designed girdles of the period.girdles for men girdles for men Although girdles were designed primarily for protection, they also served as decorative armor pieces and waistcoats.girdles for men girdles for men The first girdles were light and made of leather.girdles for men girdles for men During the later Middle Ages, girdles became heavier, typically made of heavier cloth or velvet, and they came to include a waist belt.

During the early to mid nineteenth century, girdles often featured a decorative brass or steel fastening device on the right side and often featured elaborate decorative embroidery patterns on the left side.girdles for men girdles for men They were worn mostly by women, though men did wear them in larger numbers.girdles for men girdles for men Girdles of this period were often crafted from heavy materials, such as copper and silver, and decorated with ornate gold or silver buttons.girdles for men girdles for men The first waist belts were not included with the girdles, but the belt became an integral part of girdles even during the later Middle Ages. They were typically a single piece with a buckle or a hook on the front so men could fasten them beneath their shirts.

Today girdles have undergone numerous changes, most of which are cosmetic, resulting in shorter lengths and lighter materials.girdles for men girdles for men Many people also use wrist bands, pins, or other accessories instead of buttons to fasten their girdles to their clothing.girdles for men girdles for men Girdles also connect one bone of the human body to another, such that when one girdles ends, the other bone moves into place to form a perfect joint.girdles for men girdles for men In some cases, the girdles even connect two of the human body to each other using a metal hinge.

Some girdles connect the upper torso to the legs; these are known as gyro-girdles, while shoulder girdles connect the upper arms to the shoulders.girdles for men girdles for men When one girdles ends, another begins to form, connecting the pelvic girdle to the shins (thigh girdles).girdles for men girdles for men The full name for this type of girdle, which is also called a pelvic girdle, is the "pelvic splint.girdles for men " The term for the pelvic girdles most commonly used in the United States is the "shoulder harness," though some European countries refer to them as simply as the "girdle."

The upper torso, arms, legs, pelvis, ribs, and hips are included in the formation of a girdle.girdles for men girdles for men A girdle helps to support the human skeleton and assists with movement.girdles for men Because of the tremendous force that is required to move the human body, all the bones of the body are held together by a degree of internal tension.girdles for men The pelvic girdles connect the torso to the pelvic bones, and the shoulder girdles connect the arms to the shoulders. For this reason, it is very important that people wearing any of these types of girdles wear the correct size of girdles.

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